
Creative Approach in Bhartiya School, Indorama, Nigeria

It is a well-proven fact that creative and experimental teaching and learning develops students of all ages into thinkers and doers who can explore their interests, develop their strengths and grow into knowledgeable and independent learners, workers and citizens of the future.

Creativity also improves students’ enthusiasm for learning and their general wellbeing. It brings out the fun in life, and with enjoyment comes understanding. Creativity helps students to cope with the complexity of language acquisition and to develop strategies to deal with human relationships and unexpected situations. Here’s a creative approach to designing in our Bhartiya School.

Holistic Curriculum Design

Instead of rigid subject-based silos, to create interdisciplinary modules that integrate various subjects around central themes or real-world problems.

Project-Based Learning (PBL)

Projects are an efficient hands-on learning method based on the inquiry method. This approach encourages collaboration, critical thinking, a problem-solving skills and a variety of multidisciplinary skills. It involves students studying and experimenting in small groups.

Experiential Learning

The premise behind Experiential Learning is that we learn better when we really "do" something. At Bhartiya School, we take this approach to ensure that students have equal opportunities to gain broad information.

Inquiry-Based Learning

Unlike traditional classroom learning, where teachers present facts and knowledge about a topic, inquiry-based learning is an innovative strategy where our learners build knowledge in the same way rather than being given ready-made informations.

Flexible Learning Spaces

We Design learning spaces that support different types of learning activities, including collaborative work areas, and outdoor spaces, furniture arrangement, technology for experiential learning.

Personalised Approach Towards Learning

Personalized learning involves an educational environment and curriculum that revolves around each student’s needs and abilities. We nurture curiosity and encourage our students to embrace their true selves and share their uniqueness.

Integration of Arts and Culture

Integrate arts and culture into the curriculum to promote creativity, expression, and cultural understanding. Offer opportunities for students to explore music, visual arts, dance, and literature both within and outside the classroom.

Emphasis on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

Prioritize the development of social and emotional skills alongside academic learning. Incorporate SEL into the curriculum through activities such as mindfulness exercises, peer mediation programs, and community-building initiatives.

Assessment for Learning

Move away from traditional standardized testing and embrace alternative forms of assessment that focus on assessing student understanding, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Use a variety of assessment methods such as presentations, exhibitions, and performance assessments.

Teacher Professional Development

Provide ongoing professional development opportunities for teachers to familiarize them with the principles of NCF 2023 and support them in implementing creative teaching strategies. Encourage collaboration among teachers and provide resources for curriculum development and innovation.

Community Engagement

Foster strong partnerships with parents, community organizations, businesses, and local experts to enrich the learning experience and provide students with opportunities for real-world application of their skills and knowledge.